Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Billy Green

This is a show I got into when I was taking Musical Theatre.....And no it's Glee. (Thank god!)

Ladies and Gentlemen.......and Hobos. BILLY GREEN.

Episode 1:

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11


Monday, September 12, 2011

More Storage!

Hello, Blog world. I haven't been in touch. I have been more focused on making videos. And because of that. I am running out of storage on my  little Netbook computer. So when that day comes that I can afford a storage hard drive I will free up my computer of all the random pictures and footage I have shot.

An old video I put together almost 7 months ago. 

A Video I pieced together of fellow Bunk Show writer Damon Jordan. I was able to go online and get a free download of many great classical artist. I chose was of my favourite Pianists, George Gershwin. I love love love Gershwin's piano concertos. 

I absolutely love this gothic Celtic sounding song. Then Bellow:

My favourite Dead Can Dance song ever!!!!!!!!!!!

Again Gershwin :)

My Step Dad Doug has been working on my trailer since last month, and now I am in my new trailer. :) 
He has really been generous to me. And our family friend Tom has been also nice buying me toilet paper and fixing up the screen door. Once I live in it and get carpet it will have that homely feel. 

A fuller size shower :)

My Lar. Where I will continue to watch British Television and Film. 

Such as: 
- Monty Python's The Holy Grail. Which I have been watching for a week non stop. 

- Then I also have Spaced, Hot Fuzz, and Shaun of the Dead all created by the same bloaks. :)

Love love love love hate love love love SPACED. 

And Of Coarse my Favourite out of the two films: 

The Other films I got were recordings of shows that I had been in.

Alas, the young and skinner Brandon Hitson. I new him well. On that note:

I am going hiking tonight. And it's needed badly. The Gym is needed badly. lol. But I think the haunted trail is going to work me. So that's all good. Trail Orientation starts the 19th of September. So I will be back in the game of being a menace. 

Brandon 2005.
