Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Odd Blog #2

I recently had a epiphany where I wanted to be more than just an actor. My friend Alex Bosworth kept encouraging me to write and read a piece at Dimestories. Well, I finally actually wrote piece. I called it Cafe Demise. And it was about me going crazy at a cafe that wasn't doing to well. Then I came up with the idea of comparing working at cafe to Bram Stoker's Dracula. I was going to call it "Cafe Dracula." Then Alex said I should change it too "Cafe Wanpeer" meaning "Vampire" in German. So here it is:

Dear Mina, I am writing to you out of haste to tell you of my experiences here at my current employment, Cafe Wampeer. 
I have noticed some peculiar things through out the months having worked here. First of all, the locals had warned me not to apply for the job, because of the owner and the strange things that happen here. I found the owner to be a very peculiar man. He had this easy glare. During the whole interview process he kept staring at my neck without ever blinking, which I found haunting. The man never blinked an eye lid. Then after being hired at the cafe I found my coworkers to also have a strange feeling about that them. The owner had a total of three girls, beautiful voluptuous women working for him, and fairly strange fellow by the name of Reinfield. Everybody he called him Rein. But I noticed his devout alliance to the owner. The three women that worked here at the cafe had some sort of great customer service abilities. Because I remember being a customer before taking employment here. 
They had this seductive quality to them where I ended up buying to two Chai Lattes, Four brownies, one Cappincino and two Fruity Tooty Biscotti Bars. Secondly, I experienced the strangest and unholy of occurrences. I noticed the Owner serving two customers a coffee by climbing down the wall out into the absence of a cafe. It's times like this, Mina, when I wish I can hold my stuffed Teddy for reassurance. Then I had showed up the next night to work, still horrified from the night before unshaven. 
The owner had asked me to shave in the bathroom. Afterword, I had cut myself and He stared at me in such a strange manner. Third, I found my coworker doing the strangest and inhumanly act imaginable. Rein, had placed some spiders in his cappicino while sitting on his break. One time I had caught him trying to shove a Sparrow in his Machito. 
Weird, anywho. I proceeded to cook for some of the local customers when I felt a fever come upon me. I don't know if it was the heat in the kitchen or the endless hours of being in this entrapment. But I felt this unenglish desire to place some bugs that crawled on the floor and place them in my Soy Latte i had been steaming up. Strangely, it gave it the kick it needed. 
And now, Mina, before I come into a fleeting state of madness, I ask for you to send me a Coaster Ticket ASAP.
Truly your man,

Tonight I am going hiking with my boss up Colwes Mountain. Another aspect of that epiphany I had is that I am getting into Fitness. I weigh 280lbs since I last checked. I had a certified nurse come to my house when I got my Life Insurance. She weighed me and that's what I come out to. But there is a good chunk of muscle. So it's not all flab. Anywho, I am wanting to get into better shape. So I have been going to 24 Hour Fitness almost every other day if not everyday and My boss and friend Harry has got me into hiking. So I went out and bought some hiking boots and bought suntan lotion. But today I went to Antonelli's Deli in Santee, and oh boy! I am pretty stuffed. I ordered a 12'' Turkey sandwich. But it's nothing like Subway's. Antonelli's are massive. Gigantic. Titanic of a sandwich. As big as Asia....Ok I will shut up. ;). 
Oh, well. I will make it up Colwes. I got a couple hours to digest. 

I do believe this is the 8'' So the 12'' much bigger. 

Comic Con 2011

Preview night started today. I remember working for a friend at The University of San Diego, and she also worked for Comic Con. And we took the bus down to a hotel across the Convention center to get our badges. Because we were Security within the event. Not Elite. And every time I think of the preview night I think of this time in 2007. Alas, feels like ages ago. Since then, In 2008. I had a friend give me a free pass. Which was cool. I dressed up as the Joker...of coarse! The Dark Knight had just came out that summer, and 2009 I help The Haunted Hotel pass out flyers to get people to come through the Hotel. 2010 I passed out water with my friend and made some profit. And this year? Not sure. Friday I will be coming through the Hotel. But I pretty much booked all this weekend. I am working for Show Call Productions doing a loadout up at The Rimac Soccer field up at UCSD. Then Work the next morning. Then a nap. Then I am reading with Alex Bosworth at The Office for The Collapses Event. So I got a pretty busy week and weekend. I would at some point like to dress up in a costume of some sorts and run amock in the city. Last year this saturday Alex and I worked for his Wife's brother in laws Catering company. Where Alex and I were these two characters at this Picnic. Marshall Law and Festus. Festus was part inbred mixed with Harpo Marx and Chaplin. Last year was a really fun year despite some personal drama. 

Me during the 2008 Comic Con.

Alex Bosworth as Marshal Law and Me as Festus
At The "Tex Mex" Picnic July 2010.

I think if we ever do this again. We should have Traci (Alex's Wife) play the School Marm. I would have Alex and I play the silly getting into trouble characters. And Traci would be the one who teaches the kids about education. She would be like the mother character and the kids would respect her. Even if we ever took this idea and made it a somewhat kids show. That would be fun. Although, public access can be a pain in the butt. I have always wanted to do a kids show that was mixed with Sesame Street and The Muppets meets The Marx Brothers. But I would also do a adult show as well. 

The Marx Brothers. My Idols.

Me wearing a Groucho Marx nose piece Late October 2010.

Well, until next time. Cheers.


  1. The schoolmarm huh? I loved the line about teaching kids about education. Funny stuff. I heard about the zombie thing. I'd love to see it. BUt I don't think I'll have time.
