Friday, July 29, 2011

The Overcoming.

So, just like all of humanity; Depression at some point in time, weed's their way into people's lives. Some of us can't help to embrace it. I am one of those people who embraces it. As Cliche as it sounds "You can't have happiness without sadness and vice versa." I sometimes need that balance. I remember reading Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" and crying at the end of the book. Feeling for the characters. Both the Monster and Victor. I probably looked ridiculous moping. I find it all cathartic though. It's needed. Sheer happiness sometimes calls for a little darkness. The past few years I have had ups and downs with depression. Last year after doing "Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory." I fell into the deepest one; after having attachment with the show, and my Mrs. Gloop character. I was doing one of my best performances,Comedically, in that show. And it coming to end, knowing that "This is it" and the nature of a show where all the cast and crew members part ways and do other things. I felt like a family with everyone. But I knew that this show will just be a memory in our minds.

 I also got involved with someone who was a little crazy...who made it worse upon worse. . .

But it ended 9 months later.When I couldn't be selfish anymore.I found out  my grandfather had terminal brain cancer. Then shortly after, my great grandma on my dad's side has a stroke. Then to make it tragic. My best friend, Alex. Goes into the hospital and we are all notified that he has 3 days to live. I had to be strong, and focusing on my depression was the least of my worries. I was going back and forth from hospital to hospital. I found myself to take lodging in them. But it's the families and friends who were the selfless ones. Like Traci, for Alex. And my Nana and Mother for my Grandfather, Poppa. And my Grandma Tina for my Great Grandma Violet on my Dad's side. Those who I spoke of stayed by their sides. They were the strongest of all. 

Taken in 2009. This is my Velvet Underground look. 

On a lighter subject. I have been updating the Bunk Show's website. Getting it ready when Alex and I have something to present. I have been so excited for the show since we first talked about it back in 2009. It's an honour to work with Alex. And create funny sketches with him. I remember when I first met him in 2000. I was this 14 year kid who just signed up for his Dad's Summerstock program. And Alex would shoot music videos for the productions and have funny scenes he would shoot with the other actors. I remember Alex had me in a scene where this girl got a long sheet of paper towel in her backshirt walked away pulling the rest with her. And a girl and myself when after the roll. Then the classic scene I was in...when I was in Grease. Alex got a shot of my doing the hand jive. Then the greasers trash can me, and do wrestling moves on me while I am stuck in the trash can....Then the Pink Ladies....Then the Nerds wrap it up. lol. Below is that video. 

A video Alex made for his Dad's retirement. 

I also have been majorly into Monty Python these past few days. So here:

And Clownremover, thank you for the nice things you said in your recent Blog. :) 

Monsieur Awesome.  


  1. Aww very sweet. You're a good guy Brandon. I agree with you, I need a balance too. There are some people who never want to feel sad, I can't live like that.

  2. Oh Mon Petit Chou! (my little cabbage) Avec Pleasuer! Thank you for you support and your awesomeness!

  3. Btw: that's the extent of my high school French. I used it all on you. ;-) xoxo <3 to you and Traci

  4. am I not knowing well for the english to speak, so but I, wanting to know this Brian if an Bosworth oR Alex likewise? does a, making of the father his strange videos at theater place. be pampering Kneecaps of mine with the anchovy paste please; yes

  5. Alex, regrettably I have no anchovy paste. Would you settle for concord grape jelly?

  6. how about Taco Tuesday Tiger Meat??????

  7. Maybe you should participate in Friday Fragments so that you can get some readers up in here. How you do it? Go to my Friday Fragments and click on the Mrs. 4444 link and check out other FF posts to see different styles. Write a post, post it on Friday (Thursday night) and link up on Mrs. 4444's page. Go to other FF bloggers read theirs and comment.
